Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 3

Ik zal Engels praten omdat het is de taal ik weet best.

Just did day 3 of my 4 somatic lessons.

During lesson three I felt "that spot" in the center of my spine tingle. That spot is the spot that I could feel the center of the ache and the place I would ask people to press upon or that I would press upon to release tension, and that I visualize releasing. Now these excercises are doing what my mind and the little body touch I receive has done minimally.

It is late, my typing is slow, but woah, my back feels good, feels straight, feels flexible. Yum.

This good time for me to do these excercises, late at night when the next thing I do is sleep. Hopefully, I will be able to continue this along with a strong pace of work on the computer for the web design jobs I currently have happening.

This is the dream, good work, health and spine loving. Ahhhh.

This shall now be my official blog for my spine healing.
It's nice to have this space connected to my Dad, this space is inspired by his blogspot space that speaks of him receiving his pension from his country. I hope he also tracks his progress on his walking strategy and marathons. I would like to scan in and make a PDF of the somatic excercises that are for walking.

Today, my Mom took pictures of my back. I saw the change my back has had as I get older. I could feel the difference, but now I see how it has shaped my back. My right ribs are small and indented, my left ribs are large and to the right. "The hump" surrounds "the spot" that is now alleviating....

Perhaps I will post a picture or two and then in 4 weeks of doing this training, I will take more photos. I feel my body positioning and sense of holding my body's muscles will change drastically as well as the flexibility. But 20 years of scoliosis with an S curve has formed my innards - my lungs, my heart, my stomach, my intestines and everything in between, that may take some time to also shift. I feel chiropractic work will be helpful, some massage too.

Goodnight. Thinking of Dad flying to Europe to visit Oma and family.

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